We are the Native Plant Society of St.
Tammany Parish, Louisiana.
Schedule of Our Meetings:
May 17, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. -
At the home of Walter Clifton, Abita Springs, LA.
June, July and August - No Meetings During Summer Vacation
September, 2015 - TBA
October, 2015 - TBA
November/December, 2015 - TBA
Driving Directions: Check your newsletter for directions.
New Members are always welcome. The April meeting is usually
a plant swap.
For current information
about meeting times or to post pictures please visit the
FNPS Facebook
page. We have posted many native plant photos and links. Members can
also post photos and comments. If you need help identifying a plant, then
post a picture on FNPS Facebook and we'll do our best to help.
Our Study Focus continues
to be Reseeding/Multiplying Flowering Native Perenials, Pollinator
Attracting Natives and Sustainable Gardening.
For questions or directions email us at folsomnativeplants@gmail.com
or yborde@aol.com.
our on-line list
of seasonal blooms in the Education section for a list of spring
blooming native plants with links to pictures of each.
If you are thinking about doing some sustainable gardening or some landscaping
using native plants, you might want to visit the following sites:
Be sure to check
out the page, the FNPS
Projects and People, to find out more about the good works that we
do to help preserve and protect the native flora and the land and water
of St. Tammany Parish.
For information about landscaping with native
plants check out our page about Creating
Native Plant Gardens and also our Gardening
with Native Plants feature on the Education page. You'll find advice
from FNPS experts about how to grow, propagate and landscape with plants
native to Louisiana.
Our Purpose:
The purpose of our group is to protect, perpetuate,
and propagate the abundant native plants of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana,
and adjacent areas, focusing primarily on our native wildflowers, which
are fast disappearing; and to discourage pollution of our water and ground
so basic to their survival.
Latest Newsletter:
Newsletters are in Adobe PDF format and require
Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't already have this utility, download
it here. We are a little behind in archiving our newsletters. This
will soon be rectified.
Be sure to see our Native
Plant Gallery!
Take a look at this pictorial guide to
southeastern Louisiana's indigenous plant species! Photos copyright by
Yvonne & Al Bordelon.
The FNPS wants to thank Jimmie Canter for
promoting the idea of a website and special thanks goes to her daughter,
Emily, for it's design. And a big thanks also goes to Yvonne Bordelon
for the continual updating of this website.

FNPS - folsomnativeplant@gmail.com
Since 2-24-2007